The Role of Love in Leadership
Consent to Participate in the Research Study on Love-centered Leadership
Hello! You are invited to participate in a research study conducted by Shalini Patras from Dallas Baptist University because you showed an interest in the study by clicking the link to the study on Facebook or LinkedIn or Nextdoor or WhatsApp or Instagram or Email from a friend, or some other avenue.
The purpose of the study is to build an instrument, titled, Agape Love Leadership Assessment, to measure love-centered leadership in the workplace. This study will contribute to the researcher’s completion of a directed research study under the supervision of Dr. Suzanne Kavli, Director of Research and Professor of Leadership and Research, Dallas Baptist University.
What is Agape Love?
Agape is the Greek word for self-sacrificing and loyal love towards other human beings.
Where can I find more information on love-centered leadership?
Here are some useful links for you to learn more about love-centered leadership:
Click for Love and Profit by James Autry, former CEO of Meredith Corporation
Click for Love Works by Joel Manby, former CEO of SeaWorld
Click for Lead with LUV by Ken Blanchard and Colleen Barrett, former CEO of Southwest Airlines
Click for an article on love-based leadership by Anderson, Caldwell, and Barfuss
If you would like to know about other resources on love-centered leadership, please email the researcher at
Research Procedures
Should you decide to participate in this research study, you will be asked to digitally give your consent once all your questions have been answered to your satisfaction.
This phase of the research study is identifying items that correlate with particular characteristics of love-centered leadership to create the Agape Love Leadership Assessment instrument. In this phase, should you decide to participate, you will be asked to rate 40 to 50 statements on how you perceive your leadership style and behavior.
Time Required
It should take you about 10 to 20 minutes to complete the survey.
What About Confidentiality and Privacy?
Confidentiality and anonymity will be maintained throughout the study. Minimal personal information – only that which is needed for the study – will be collected and maintained confidentially in a private and secure environment. All your responses will be collated anonymously using an identifying number known only to the researcher. Apart from the researcher and the researcher's doctoral committee, your responses will not be revealed to anyone. The researcher retains the right to use and publish non-identifiable data. All data gathered in the study will be stored for seven years, and then destroyed. SurveyMonkey will be used for collecting data via the internet. Please read the SurveyMonkey’s privacy policy for online data collection here:
Are there any benefits to participating in the study to me or to the society at large?
There are no direct benefits to this study for you. The benefits of taking part in the study include furthering scientific knowledge in the role of love in general and workplace leadership.
Participation and Withdrawal
Taking part in this study is voluntary. You are free to choose not to participate. Should you choose to participate, you can withdraw at any time without any consequences of any kind by simply closing your web browser now or anytime during the study.
I am ready to participate in this study, what do I do now?
Thank you for choosing to participate in this study. When you are ready to take the survey, please click the link below to give your informed consent for participation. As soon as you click the link, you will be taken to the page with the survey questions. Thank you for participating in the study to build an instrument to measure love-centered leadership!
What do I do if I have questions about the study?
If you have questions about this study or any technical problems while taking the survey, please contact:
Shalini Patras
or my dissertation committee chair
Dr. Suzanne E. Kavli
Director of Research
Dallas Baptist University