Consent to Participate in the Research Study on
Love-centered Leadership
Hello! You are invited to participate in a research study conducted by Shalini Patras from Dallas Baptist University because you agreed to be on the study’s Delphi Panel.
You were invited because of your contribution to the field of love centered leadership, through
- your writing on love-centered leadership or
- your research on love-centered leadership or
- your organization’s commitment to love-centered leadership or
- your practice of love-centered leadership in the workplace.
Thank you for agreeing to take part as an expert panel member in a Delphi study on identifying the characteristics of love-centered leadership in the workplace.
The purpose of the study is to build an instrument, titled, Agape Love Leadership Assessment, to measure love-centered leadership in the workplace. This study will contribute to the researcher’s completion of a directed research study under the supervision of Dr. Suzanne Kavli, Director of Research and Professor of Leadership and Research, Dallas Baptist University.
Research Procedures
Before you begin the study, you will be asked to digitally give your consent once all your questions have been answered to your satisfaction.
This phase of the research study is to identify the characteristics of love-centered leadership through expert panel members consensus. There will be four rounds of the study to build consensus among panel members.
In each round of the study, you will be asked to rate the characteristics of love-centered leadership at the workplace using a 6-point Likert scale. In the first and second round, you can also add characteristics of love-centered leadership that you deemed as important but was not included in the current questionnaire. Should you introduce a new characteristic of love-centered leadership, this characteristic will be given to all the members in the expert panel for their feedback in the next round. Similarly, should you reword an item, the reworded item will be introduced in the next round to all panel members. There will be four rounds to this study. Each round will end in 14 days (2 weeks). The study will end in 84 days (12 weeks).
For the current round, you will receive an email reminder next Wednesday if the survey is still not completed. At the end of 14 days (two weeks), that is on [date], this round of the study will close. After [date] you will no longer have access to the questionnaire. Therefore, please remember to complete the questionnaire in the next 14 days (two weeks).
As soon as feedback is received from all participating members of the expert panel data will be analyzed. Data analysis will be completed in 7 or fewer days. The following Monday after completion of data analysis you will receive an email with the link to the second round of the Delphi study along with instructions for the second round.
Sometimes the survey link might land in the “Junk E-mail” folder. At the latest [date], if you do not see the survey in your inbox, please remember to check your junk mail. If you have any questions, please call 214-476-4335 or email
Time Required
It should take you about 20 minutes to complete each round of the survey.
The study will end in twelve weeks or sooner. During the duration of the study, four Delphi rounds will be carried out to receive your feedback, via an online questionnaire, on the characteristics of love-centered leadership.
What About Confidentiality and Privacy?
SurveyMonkey will be used for collecting data via the internet. Confidentiality and anonymity will be maintained throughout the study. That is, minimal personal information – only that which is needed for the study – will be collected and maintained confidentially in a private and secure environment. Anonymity will be maintained throughout the study by selecting the anonymity will be maintained throughout the study by ensuring you identifiable information is not stored or tracked on SurveyMonkey. Apart from the researcher and the researcher’s doctoral committee, your responses will not be revealed to anyone. The data will be stored for five years. Please read the SurveyMonkey’s privacy policy for online data collection here:
For research credibility in expert panel formation, your brief biography citing your contribution to love-centered leadership will be listed in the study’s appendix. By giving consent to participate in the research study, you also give consent to identify you as an expert panel member along with your brief biography including your contribution to love-centered leadership, at the end of the study. Your answers in each round of the Delphi study will be kept confidential. To maintain the highest ethical standards in research, I have completed the Institutional Review Board training modules. My Protection of Human Participation application has been approved by Dallas Baptist University. I am committed to abide by the ethical requirements of Dallas Baptist University in completing this study.
Are there any benefits to participating in the study to me or to the society at large?
There are no direct benefits to this study for you. The benefits of taking part in the study include furthering scientific knowledge in the role of love in general and workplace leadership.
Participation and Withdrawal
Taking part in this study is voluntary. You are free to choose not to participate. Should you choose to participate, you can withdraw at any time without any consequences of any kind by simply closing your web browser now or anytime during the study.
However, please remember, your study responses, up to your time of withdrawal might have been analyzed as part of the aggregate response feedback returned to the Delphi panel, and I cannot take out your response from the study, once data is analyzed and returned to the panel members.
I am ready to participate in this study, what do I do now?
Thank you for choosing to participate in this study. When you are ready to take the survey, please click the link below to give your informed consent for participation. As soon as you click the link, you will be taken to the page with the survey questions. Thank you for participating in the study to build an instrument to measure love-centered leadership!
What do I do if I have questions about the study?
If you have questions about this study or any technical problems while taking the survey, please contact:
Shalini Patras
or my dissertation committee chair
Dr. Suzanne E. Kavli
Director of Research
Dallas Baptist University
Thank you very much for choosing to be a part of the expert panel to identify the characteristics of love-centered leadership, for the purpose of building an instrument to measure love-centered leadership in the workplace. Your investment in this study, it is hoped, will help other researchers carry out further studies on the phenomenon of love-centered leadership at work.
I have read the above information, and I will not participate in the study.
Thank you for giving your time to know about the study. Please close the browser to leave the study.
Since I will not know that you have decided not to participate, you will receive one reminder email from me on Wednesday, February 3 before Round 1 of the Delphi study closes on February 5.